Become Healthy and Strong in Your Body and Mind in 60 Days.

Work Directly with Mike to start feeling happy, peaceful, confident and have more energy and focus to achieve your goals.

Apply now for the 60 Day Body-Mind Transformation program.
Starts on January 4th, 2025

Apply Now

Become Healthy and Strong in Your Body and Mind in 60 Days.

Feel happy, peaceful, confident and have more energy and focus to achieve your goals.







Apply now for my 60 Day Body-Mind Transformation program

Starts on January 4th, 2025

 Flow60, the all-in one practice for Body, Mind and Emotions



 Greater Inner Peace

 Combine Tap Massage,

Strength Training, Stretching,


and Meditation


Workout your Body in

60mins or less


Release Negative


 Suitable for any Age

or Fitness Level

 Create a Daily Routine

with Morning

and Evening Practice

"You have the power to choose at every moment how your life will be. Make a new choice and watch your life transform"


We are currently interviewing people who are serious about getting back in shape and leveling up their mindset.

This program is a Training and Coaching Online Transformational Workshop.  For 60 days, you will work very closely with Mike Chang, Flow60 Instructors and other students in the program to develop the habit of daily exercise, tap deep within your mental programming and become the best version of yourself.  This is for people who are open minded for change and ready to challenge themselves on all levels, physically, mentally and emotionally to create a state of total well-being.  This program is not for people who are ONLY wanting to learn information. This program is for people who are READY TO TAKE ACTION NOW, get out of their comfort zone, and do what it takes to become healthier in their body and mind in 60 days. 

What people are saying about their experience


What is the 60-Day Body-Mind Transformation Program?

It’s everything Mike has learned and experienced over 25 years in fitness, coaching, and entrepreneurship condensed into an 8-week online live workshop to help you get in the best shape of your life and experience higher levels of happiness and inner peace.  


You will be doing Flow Practices every day to strengthen and transform your body while disciplining your mind. There will be different assignments on a weekly basis to help you become aware of your mental and emotional programming and change those that are not beneficial for you anymore.  You will be a part of our daily group chat where we all check in every day to ensure everyone is on the right track and provide support for those that need it. This program is as close to inviting you to stay with Mike at his house for 60 days where he train and coach you every day. 

âś“ This program is RIGHT for you if you are:

  • Sick and tired of feeling low energy, sluggish, being out of shape and are ready to do whatever it takes to transform your body
  • Realize that you are not living to your fullest potential and you need support to break free from old patterns and ways of thinking
  • Done with just chasing money and success and seeking a deeper sense of self and inner fulfillment

If this is you, then I urge you to reserve your spot now. 

❌ Who this program is NOT for:

  • You are thinking about making a change but still “on the fence” about committing to it
  • If you believe that you are trapped within your life circumstances and don’t have the power to change 
  • If you don’t have a super strong WHY for the need to make big changes in your life at the moment 
  • If you are not willing to become open to new daily habits and perspectives 

If these things are where you're at at the moment, it's all good. You may not want to apply for this program right now because it will require more commitment and energy than what you are willing to put out. Just remember that you are responsible for everything that is happening in your life and you have the power to choose differently at every moment in your life. 

The 60 Day Body Mind Transformation Program

Apply now for the 60 Day Body-Mind Transformation program

Starts on January 4th, 2025 

Apply Now

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Support from Mike via audio, text, and video. Have all your questions answered and get advice tailored to your specific case.


LIVE Training and Coaching Sessions with Mike Chang

LIVE GROUP SESSION EACH WEEK with Mike (3 hours each) that consist of Physical, Mental, and Emotional training. All sessions are recorded and available to replay in case you miss one.


“Iron Will” Accountability System

Our accountability system provides you with support and motivation for the ENTIRE 60 days.

Training and Coaching Resources

Videos, Print outs, and other tools and Resources to support you in getting more results.


Start Together, End Together

Go thru the entire transformation journey together with other like-minded individuals and build deep connections and lasting relationships. Everyone starts on the same day and ends on the same day.


Lifetime Access

You will have lifetime access to all the LIVE Sessions and all the resources to keep as part of your personal development library to use at any time.


What will you gain at the end of this program?

  1. Massive transformation in your physique
  2. A sense of mental peace and contentment wellness
  3. A new approach to nutrition so you never have to do another diet again
  4. Released old mental programming and adopted new empowering ways of thinking 
  5. More confidence and trust in yourself 
  6. Ability to express authentically without worrying about other people’s opinions


Apply now for the 60 Day Body-Mind Transformation program

Starts on January 4th, 2025
Apply Now

What other people are saying about their experience


Mike Chang on Fitness, Health, and Expanding Consciousness

Mike Chang was the creator of Six Pack Shortcuts, the most subscribed-to fitness channel on Youtube up until he left in 2015 with 4 mil+ subscribers, over 500 million views. His simplistic approach to fitness and transformation changed the lives of millions across the world. 

Although his success as a trainer and an 8 figure entrepreneur created everything that he had ever dreamed of, like wealth, fame, and material possessions, inside he longed for a deeper sense of fulfillment and decided to pursue a path in self realization in 2015. 

He received a second chance at life when he experienced an extraordinary awakening experience that led him down the next 7 years of his life focusing on mastering his mind and studying a vast array of tools from Qi Gong, Meditation, Breathwork, Yoga, and above all, flow states.

He has returned and alchemized these findings into the ultimate transformational system called Flow 60 that develops muscle, endurance and flexibility while also changing the energetic state within a person’s body to support in breaking free from fear, trauma, and the limits of the mind into deep states of flow. Mike currently trains a handful of private clients, including some of the leading CEOs in Silicon Valley.


Experience a Permanent Transformation

Most people quickly forget most of what they learn and never get to apply it to their life. In the 60 Day Body-Mind Transformation, we focus on the entire process needed for real transformation: LEARN > APPLY > IMPRINT.  We will go through this entire process over and over during the program to create powerful lasting changes in your mind, body, emotions, and soul.


Learning and understanding information mentally. This is done thru Video Lessons, Workbook, Interaction with other students, and Live Sessions


Expressing what you have learned through your words, action, feeling and receiving feedback to continue the learning process. This is done through Role Play Exercises and Games, Contemplation and Self-Realization


Reprogramming your subconscious mind and your state of being, to permanently change the way your body feels. This is done through repetitive action using Daily Flow Practices (physical training), Meditation, and Discussions

Whether you have a lot of time each day or just a little, it's important to get started NOW. 


Results come from action. Not from thinking, planning, wanting, trying, hoping, and talking. 

One of the most common things I hear from people is:

  • “I don’t have the time but I want to do it”
  • “Once I’m done doing this thing, I’ll be ready to start”
  • "I'm am ready to start, but I just haven’t yet…” 

There is never a perfect time to go after what you want in life.  No one is going to do the work for you.  Whether you have a lot of time each day or just a little, it's important to get started now. This program is all about taking continuous action right now towards getting in the best shape of your life and cultivating your mental state for more happiness. Don’t get stuck in the endless mental loop of thinking about your goals rather than doing them. 

You have the power to change your life. And the time to do it is now. 

Apply now for the 60 Day Body-Mind Transformation program

Starts on January 4th, 2025

Apply Now

What students are saying about working with Mike

"Mike is a great coach and mentor, genuinely happy to dig deep into our inner worlds to find ways for us to thrive."

Besides greatly helping me finding ways to cope with all the emotional and physical aspects of surgery, Flow has become a lifestyle for me. I’m always looking forward to practice. My body feels much lighter. My energy has significantly improved. My mind is more at ease. And I can breath so much better. Mike has been a great coach and mentor. He is so genuinely happy to connect with us and dig deep into our inner worlds to help us understanding ourselves better and finding ways to thrive and live life free of pain and fear. We all deserve to live in flow and harmony. Don’t think twice and join, you and your body deserve it!"

- Eden Trejo

"Mike went above and beyond to help me uncover all of the different sides of me that were holding me back."

"Working with Mike was one of the best investments I have ever made in myself. He went above and beyond what I paid for to help me uncover all of the different sides of me that were holding me back. But more than that, he truly cared about seeing me succeed and I guarantee that if you are willing to put in the work he will do the same for you. If you have the opportunity to work with him, don’t think twice. The things he teaches will bleed over into all other areas of your life."

- Alejandro Sobrino 

"Went to the chiro yesterday and he was so amazed at the difference in my shoulders. He said with a huge huge smile "I can feel the flow of your Chi through your whole body."

I just wanted to thank you again. I have come so far in a week. I knew this was going to be a gift from God and that I needed a plan like this.

This is my first week as I started last Thursday, Feb 16th. On that day I wasn't able to get on the floor and do stretching or anything on the floor due to the pain I have told you about. This Thursday I am on the floor stretching and progressing daily. I believe a lot of this is due to your trust in us to do our best and that you don't push to be doing it all perfect. Every day I am better that the day before. Things that use to hurt I breathe through the pain. I know to stop as not to hurt myself but I can breathe through the pains. 

My weight is around the same as I suppose things are turning to muscle because I am definitely stronger and feel toning happening already. My body and soul thank you for this lifetime gift of Flow. 

I remember in the interview I was asked about goals and I said I was content and I am still content, I am blessed beyond measure. But, now I have new goals stretch farther, meditate longer, focus better, breathe better. I have been using all the info from the coaching videos in everyday life and love the power of more knowledge and wisdom. Having almost finished the coaching videos there are many I will watch repeatedly. Again I am very thankful for your time and help. 

I went to the chiro yesterday and he was so amazed at the difference in my shoulders and he said with a huge huge smile "I can feel the flow of your Chi through your whole body, way to go girl". I had to laugh and wished you could have heard him and seen his joy. Everyone is seeing a difference in my physical because I am controlling that pain not the pain controlling me. 

I am also progressing as not feeling guilty for using hours of the day for my healing needs. I am still struggling big time with retention breathing but I know it will come in time. I am a million miles ahead of where I was last week and I know I will stick with this for life so I do not get down on myself as I am so far ahead already.

This Flow just feels so right in all aspects of life my joy overflows. My energy to do things that are required of me is more natural than forced. I still feel others' pains and troubles but I am also getting better at breathing through them. I wish you could see and feel the difference that I am experiencing. Every time I handle things differently or get some Flow Practice in I smile and thank God for you. Things that stole my joy last week don't even bother me this week. 

Thanks so much I will always keep you all in my prayers."

- Shana Cahoon

"For the first time in years, I feel ALIVE."

I am trying to think of a word I could use to summarize what flow has done for me. And what comes to mind is one word and it is “ALIVE”. The Flow practice has allowed me to become more in tune and aware with my body and its movements. For the first time in years, I feel ALIVE. Flow is more than a workout, it is a lifestyle. It’s fun and it is a healthy habit that I have been able to cement into my life daily which is something I struggled with before. When I first started, my goals were to get lean and this practice has expanded my list of goals drastically and I am so grateful for that. Flow practice is something I will be doing for the rest of my life. I love it and everything it represents."

- Jerome Samuel

"I am definitely happier and most importantly feeling free and calm physically, emotionally and spiritually!"


"As a fitness trainer, movement has been my passion for a long time. When I found Mike’s flow training videos I was so impressed. Neither was I seeking for specific holistic methods or planning to start something new. However, my completion of Mike’s 10-day challenge shifted my physical comfort and flexibility and I felt my mindset getting stronger. That was the beginning of my flow journey! 

Joining was a big step and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! This isn’t just a regular course. You face your inner self and connect to your own truth, becoming a better version of yourself in this precious lifetime."

- Maki S

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The Path To Inner Peace

Ancient teachings, and principles, wrapped with my personal experiences on how to overcome life challenges to create more happiness, inner peace, and abundance in your life.

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